Thursday 22 November 2012

I'm still thankful for Dicks!

Last Thanksgiving, I was thankful for a variety of Richards. Well guess what? I’m STILL thankful for Dicks.

Richard II

I’m still thankful for you, dear ole Richard. As my dissertation nears completion, we’ll be seeing a lot less of each other, but I want you to know: I’ll never forget you. You, and your inconvenient inability to have a child, have given me an entrance into the academic world. A little part of me will always cherish your memory as a way of expressing my gratitude.

Richard III

I will always be thankful for you. I know we’ve been seeing less of each other since I started researching Richard II, but you’ll always have a special place in my heart. You were my first Dick, and you never forget your first.

Richard and Mildred Loving

This couple was at the center of the Supreme Court case that struck down, once and for all, anti-miscegenation laws. That’s something truly worth being thankful.

That Richard Mourdock lost. The man was a Dick with both a big and a little d, so I’m quite satisfied that he didn’t roll on to victory.

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